First steps towards a scatterometry reference standard

Bodermann B., Hansen P.-E., Burger S., Henn M.-A., Gross H., Bär M., Scholze F., Endres J., Wurm M.

Scatterometry, CD metrology, traceability, reference standard, tool matching, AFM, SEM, rigorous modelling

Document type Proceedings
Journal title / Source Instrumentation, Metrology, and Standards for Nanomanufacturing, Optics, and Semiconductors VI
Volume 8466
Publication date 2012-10-25
Conference name SPIE Optics & Photonics 2012 international meeting, conference: Instrumentation, Metrology, and Standards for Nanomanufacturing, Optics, and Semiconductors VI
Conference date 12-16 August 2012
Conference place San Diego, USA
DOI 10.1117/12.929903
ISBN 978-0-8194-9183-1

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