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VAMAS and EURAMET sign Memorandum of Understanding

Both organisations want to collaborate to foster metrology for advanced materials and to support the development standards


VAMAS, the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards, and EURAMET, the European Association of National Metrology Institutes, are delighted to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster cooperative activities related to metrology for advanced materials and to support the development of high-quality, documentary standards and reference materials that are relevant to the regional economies.


Under this MoU, VAMAS and EURAMET commit to the following collaborative efforts:


  • Exchange of knowledge, best practices, and expertise in the field of metrology for advanced materials enhancing the capabilities of both organisations.
  • Exchange of information and participation in joint activities towards development and harmonisation of measurement standards for advanced materials, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of measurements in material characterisation.
  • Dissemination and exchange of stakeholder needs to link regional and global activities in support of innovation and trade of advanced materials.

“The partnership highlights the strategic importance of metrology for advanced materials to both regional and global economies and the role it plays in accelerating innovation and supporting world trade”, Dr Fernando de Castro (VAMAS Chair).

“The cooperation between our organisations is crucial to tackle needs and challenges in this dynamically developing field. EURAMET is delighted by the agreement fostered by VAMAS and our European Metrology Network for Advanced Manufacturing. It will pave the way for closer collaboration”, says Dr Jörn Stenger, EURAMET Chairperson.


This MoU reflects the shared commitment of VAMAS and EURAMET to driving innovation, scientific excellence, and industry growth through their combined efforts.


About VAMAS:

The Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) is a global inter-governmental organisation that promotes world trade by innovation and adoption of advanced materials through international collaborations that provide the technical basis for harmonisation of measurement methods, leading to best practices and standards.

Initiated following the 1982 G7 Economic Summit of the Global Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) held in Versailles, France, and initially reporting directly to the G7 GATT, over the past 40 years VAMAS has delivered global collaboration in 45 technical areas leading to the publication of hundreds of international standards, development of new products and services, and dissemination of best practice to 1000s of organisations across the world.



EURAMET, the European Association of National Metrology Institutes, coordinates the cooperation of National Metrology Institutes and Designated Institutes in Europe in fields such as research in metrology, traceability of measurements to the SI units, international recognition of national measurement standards and related Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMC).

EURAMET has established a European Metrology Network for Advanced Manufacturing, with a specific focus on advanced materials, smart manufacturing systems and manufactured components and commodities. The field requires new and enhanced metrology methods to assure the quality of manufacturing processes and the resulting products. The Network for Advanced Manufacturing fosters high-level coordination of the metrology community in this field and will increase the impact of metrology developments for advanced manufacturing.


For more information about this partnership and inquiries, please visit the websites of VAMAS and EURAMET.


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