EMN for Smart Electricity Grids holds successful stakeholder workshops
3 consultation sessions held in 2021 to collect stakeholder needs
Towards the end of last year, EURAMET’s European Metrology Network for Smart Electricity Grids (EMN for Smart Grids) held three stakeholder sessions to consult on 'Measurement challenges related to smart electricity grids'.
Each session had a distinct take on the metrology challenges facing this sector of industry, and all workshops were moderated by Prof Dr Ir Gert Rietveld (VSL, Netherlands), the current EMN Chair. The sessions covered the following key three topics:
- DC grids and High-Voltage testing - with a keynote from Dr Mathieu Caujolle (EDF, Electricité de France)
- Digital transformation and cybersecurity - with a keynote from Prof Mihaela Albu (Politehnica University of Bucharest)
- Measurements of grid signals - with a keynote from Prof Mario Paolone (EPFL, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
The 2-hour sessions were all introduced by a special keynote address from an expert operating outside of the metrological community (as indicated above). Findings from an online survey on an initial draft Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) were also presented to over 100 participants that attended the sessions.
Dr Marc-Olivier André (METAS, Switzerland), one of the main organisers of the sessions, comments:
“The stakeholder consultation sessions provided us with a great opportunity to collect feedback on our initial Strategic Research Agenda. This has brought much valuable input to update our SRA, whereby steering future European metrology R&D activities to better match our stakeholder needs. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who participated.”
All presentations and recordings of the stakeholder workshops are available here >>
The EMN Smart Grids’ draft Strategic Research Agenda is available for download here >>
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- EMN Smart Electricity Grids,
- European Partnership on Metrology,
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