
Electric railway test cases: EMPIR project enables 25% energy saving

Railway station with beautiful modern red commuter train at suns

Research advances smart energy management for the European electric railway system

EMPIR project <link research-innovation search-research-projects details>Metrology for smart energy management in electric railway systems (16ENG04 MyRails) is working to develop the infrastructure needed for accurate measurement of energy exchange and power quality, under the highly dynamic conditions experienced in transit. This will underpin the efficient energy management of the European railway system.

The project consortium has developed a reference system for the calibration of voltage and current transducers up to 5 kV and 900 A with a frequency content up to 5 kHz. This will enable the testing of on-board energy meters to prove their metrological reliability.

The project is also developing accurate measurement systems and procedures for evaluating the energy saving possible with an eco-driving strategy.

The first eco-driving numerical procedures in railway and subway test cases have predicted an energy consumption saving of 25%.These figures will be substantiated by accurate measurement campaigns as the project progresses.

 The project has attracted extensive publicity in Italian TV, newspapers and scientific journals:

This EMPIR project is co-funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the EMPIR Participating States.

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