Abbreviation Full Name Status Country / Organisation
LNE-LNHB Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel/Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) France
LNE-SYRTE Systèmes de Référence Temps - Observatoire de Paris A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) France
LNE-LADG Laboratoire Associé de Débitmétrie Gazeuse A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) France
LNE-ENSAM Ecole National Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers de Paris A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) France
LNE-IRSN Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) France
LNE-TRAPIL LNE-TRAPIL A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) France
FGI-GG Finnish Geospatial Research Institute A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) Finland
MIKES-FMI MIKES-FMI Standard Laboratory A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) Finland
MIKES VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Centre for Metrology MIKES M (Member) Finland
Aalto Aalto University, Metrology Research Institute A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) Finland
STUK Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) Finland
MIKES-SYKE Finnish Environment Institute A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) Finland
JRC-Geel JRC-Geel A-GA (Associate with observer in the General Assembly) European Commission
Metrosert AS Metrosert M (Member) Estonia
UT University of Tartu A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) Estonia
NIS National Institute for Standards LO-NMI (Liaison Organisation: National Metrology Institute) Egypt
FORCE FORCE Technology A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) Denmark
DFM Danish Fundamental Metrology M (Member) Denmark
HBK-DPLA Hottinger Brüel & Kjaer A/S - Danish Primary Laboratory for Acoustics Section A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) Denmark
TRESCAL Trescal Ltd. A-DI (Associate: Designated Institute) Denmark
144 result(s)