  • European Metrology Networks,
  • EMN Climate and Ocean Observation,

The EMN for Climate and Ocean Observation has its first general meeting

20 and 21 June 2019 at NPL in Teddington

35 scientists from across Europe came together at the National Physical Laboratory to launch the European Metrology Network (EMN) for Climate and Ocean Observation (COO) on the 20 – 21 June 2019.

The network creates a metrological focal point in Europe for the measurement of essential climate variables and essential ocean variables: whether these observations are from in situ sites or from satellites. Metrology provides the tools both to improve the accuracy and quality of existing observations and also to improve the quality of long-term records of bio- or geo-physical parameters derived from those observations. Improvements in the observations and records derived from these observations support the development of more reliable climate models that support evidence-based policy (find out more).

At the meeting, Emma Woolliams was elected as chair with Céline Pascale, Paola Fisicaro and Nigel Fox elected as Vice-Chairs of the three different sections; dedicated to the observation of atmosphere (Céline), ocean (Paola), land and earth (Nigel). “I’m pleased to have this opportunity to lead a network that provides the European contribution to the global effort to bring metrology into climate and ocean observations;” Emma said, “metrology has a core role to play in ensuring the interoperability and long-term stability of the observations that underpin our understanding of the climate and processes in the oceans”. EURAMET congratulates Emma, Céline, Paola and Nigel on their elections and wishes them all the best for their new roles.

Next steps involve engagement with stakeholders via workshops, interviews and questionnaires, in order to develop a coordinated research plan for European metrology that provides traceability, comparisons and uncertainty analysis for climate and ocean observations. 

For more information about the EMN for Climate and Ocean Observation (COO), please contact Emma Woolliams or subscribe to the COO newsletter: